Most UNIX commands expect input to come from a file(s), and produce output to anther file(s).  “One of these files is the standard input, and is the place from which a program expects to read its input.  Another is called the standard output, and it is the file to which the program writes its results.  The third file is the diagnostic output (also called Standard error), and it is a file to which program writes any error responses.  Generally, the standard input is taken to be the keyboard (input is typed by the user), the standard output is the terminal screen.

Concept of Redirection

(1) Redirection Input:

            There are two possible sources of input for UNIX commands.  Programs such as ls and find get their input from the command line in the form of options and filenames.  Other programs, such as cat, can get their data from the standard input as well as from the command line.  Try the cat command with no options on the command line:


            There is no response.  Because n files are specified with the command, cat waits to get its input from your keyboard, the standard input file.  The program will accept input lines from the keyboard until it sees a line which begins with Ctrl+D, which is the end of file signal for standard input.

            To redirect the standard input, you use the < operator.  For example, if you wanted cat to get its input from output.txt you could use the command.


            The difference between this command and

$cat output.txt

            is a subtle one.  In filenames provided as options to a command, you can use filename substitution.  When redirecting input, you must use the name of an existing file or device.

(2) Redirection Output:

            Now, let’s say that you want to send the output of cat to a file, to save our shopping list on disk.  The shell lets you redirect standard output to a file name, by using the “>” symbol.  Here’s how it works:

$cat amg.txt>output.txt

            The > operator causes a new file to be created.  If you had already created a file named output.txt, it would be deleted and replaced with the new data.  If you wanted to add the new data to the old output, you could use the >> operator.  For example.

$cat amg.txt>>output.txt

            This will add content of amg.txt to output.txt file both file must be exists at specified path.

Concept of Piping

Suppose that you wanted a directory listing that was sorted by the mode file type plus permissions.  To accomplish this, you might redirect the output from ls to a data file and then sort that data file.  For example.

$ls –l>tempfile


-rw-rw-r-         1          marsha             adept   1024    Jan 20 14:14 Lines.dat
-rw-rw-r-         1          marsha             adept   3072    Jan 20 14:14 Lines.idx
-rw-rw-r-         1          marsha             adept   256      Jan 20 14:14 Pages.dat

            Although you get the result that you wanted, there are three drawback to this method:

            You might end up with a lot of temporary file in your directory.  You would have to go back and remove them.  The sort program does not begins its work until the first command is complete.  This is not too significant with the small amount of data used in this example, but it can make a considerable difference with larger files.  The final output contains the name of your temp file, which might not be what you had in mind.

            Fortunately, there is a better way.

            The pipe symbol (|) causes the standard output of the program on the left side of the pipe to be passed directly to the standard input of the program on the right side of the pipe symbol.  Therefore, to get the same results as before, you can use the pipe symbol.  For example

$ls –l|sort

-rw-rw-r-         1          marsha             adept   1024    Jan 20 14:14 Lines.dat
-rw-rw-r-         1          marsha             adept   3072    Jan 20 14:14 Lines.idx
-rw-rw-r-         1          marsha             adept   256      Jan 20 14:14 Pages.dat

            To connect two or more operation within the same stream at that time pipe sign is used to perform such a operation in unix.


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